Current Situation
Despite agency efforts, fraud, waste, and abuse spending continues to impact state and local governments. During the pandemic, many U.S. states lost millions of dollars to fraud. Beyond pay, chase, and recover, agencies are working to stop these payments, but bad actors may be a step ahead of government.
Goals and Objectives
The goal Is to ensure the accuracy of benefits and payments and reduce the annual amount of improper payments.
Technology Deployed
Hardware: Cloud computing server and storage
Software: Analytics and AI to flag out-of-the-ordinary transactions, identify high-risk attributes, and monitor suspicious transactions, dashboards, and security.
Services: Blockchain as a service, SoC, and XDR
Use Case Summary
Agencies can move from recovery of funds to prevention of improper payments through the deployment of cloud-based lists of individuals and entities excluded from receiving payments or barred from doing business with the government. This can also be done with analytics and AI to catch suspicious benefit claims and with federated data hubs with the appropriate access controls to securely share, merge, combine, and analyze disparate data (structured, unstructured, and semistructured data and metadata) across multiple agencies.