Current Situation
Requests for permits and licenses can be an arduous and time-consuming task. Information required can include documentation, management certification, site maps and diagrams, inspection and maintenance, record keeping, training, designated employees, notification procedures, and response obligations. Required information may be paper based, and if digital, typically not shared with other agencies. Often, there is an overlap and duplication between permitting processes and agencies requesting the same information.
Goals and Objectives
Streamline onerous and lengthy permitting processes that are resource intensive and often include duplicative applications and reports. Deploy digital permitting and licensing, improve the efficiency of core agency functions by leveraging information across multiple agencies, reduce the cost of operations, provide improved reliability, and make the process easier and less time consuming for requesters.
Technology Deployed
Mobile devices, mobile apps, GPS, payments systems, and digitized and georeferenced historical data; cloud-enabled collaborative content management and data sharing platforms
Use Case Summary
In addition to implementing Lean [Six Sigma] practices to streamline permitting and make the processes easier for citizens and businesses, digitizing permitting functions allows for streamlined requests and faster processing with greater accuracy. Collaborative content management tools allow concurrent reviews by agencies, rather than sequential reviews. Cloud platforms enable permit requests to be shared by agencies and the requester to fill out required information only once.