Current Situation
Healthcare enterprises struggle with issues regarding the safety and operational efficiency of their facilities at the ground level.
Goals and Objectives
Identification of operational location flow points, choke points, and equipment bottlenecks. Enhanced certainty and transitional-based location accuracy within defined and nondefined facility areas (or zones). Automation of bay and room area location updates and clinical (and operational) systems integrations. Increased ROI and decreased equipment theft/loss.
Technology Deployed
Healthcare devices, assets, inventory, materials, and supplies; Real-time location feeding beacons, tags, RFID, Bluetooth, and infrastructure; IoT-enabled asset tracking systems for supply chain operations and autonomous delivery functions; EHRs, EHR integrations, and cloud-based health platforms
Use Case Summary
Workflow efficiencies in healthcare facilities would benefit from better real-time location visibility and intelligence and insights around clinical and nonclinical-grade elements. Knowing where critical resources are located at any given time makes a difference in costs, experiences, and the quality of care that is delivered.