Current Situation
Capacity in the trucking industry is increasingly constrained due to an aging demographic and factors that make it increasingly difficult to attract and retain younger talent into this career path.
Goals and Objectives
The goal of this use case is to introduce trucking capacity in the market, increase asset utilization by relieving hours of service constraints, optimize asset efficiency, and relieve upward pressure on rates by excusing driver pay from cost structure.
Technology Deployed
IoT, cloud, mobile, AI/ML, edge, and camera vision
Use Case Summary
Autonomous trucks reduce the cost of long-haul trucking by eliminating the need for labor while improving asset utilization by relieving the need to get a driver “home.” This allows assets to operate unconstrained to meet customer demand, wherever and whenever needed as hours of service regulations become irrelevant. Safety improvements should materialize as the technology matures providing significant cost discounts on insurance, while fuel efficiencies can be realized by algorithms that correct inefficient driver behavior.