Current Situation
Products are designed and reviewed mostly in 2 D context, but there’s minimal ability to imagine what the finished good will actually look like dimensionally and the physics of how the materials will fall/flow. Current sampling processes hamper speedy product development and sourcing.
Goals and Objectives
Improve product development success ratios and reduce product development and sourcing latencies by collaboratively visualize and design products in realistic 3D speeding sampling, product requirement approval processes, by leveraging 3D product review.
Technology Deployed
IoT, AR/VR, PLM, Line planning, 3D assortment planning, smart mirrors, 3D visualization and rendering tools
Use Case Summary
Create, plan and produce new products that meet consumer need, thereby increasing product success and sell-through ratios; and reduce latencies and costs by enabling 3D visualization in the product and assortment design and approvals process.